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Seven Live Zoom Workshops
Date TBC

Only £188

£108 Concessions



Exclusive small group for personal feedback and sharing

Private Facebook group for attendees

Ongoing access to recordings of all workshops

This unique, inspiring course will teach you how to use techniques from magic and ritual to unlock your creativity and unleash the stories that are truly yours to tell.

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Free your story, free yourself! 

Each week, we will focus on a different God or Goddess from around the world dedicated to writing. We will learn how the ancients viewed writers and find out how the myths and archetypes about the deities can help us in our own storytelling. 


We will  learn how to create a sacred space in which to do our writing and call in positive, empowering energies to help us overcome any creative blocks. 


Together, we will do a number of writing exercises to get the creative juices going and tap into the sea of creativity that flows within us all. 


This is not just a creative programme but a healing one. Through connecting with memories, you will be able to draw out stories from your past or even rewrite them to heal them and create a new future. 


Everyone that wants to will have a chance to read some of their work aloud, helping them to break through any fear of being heard. 

Catch Up and Peer Support

The workshops on zoom will be audio recorded so you will be able to catch up on any evenings that you miss. 


There will also be a private Facebook group for all the attendees, so that you can support each other throughout the process, have further discussions about any issues or ideas that come up, meet other writers, and even read each others' work if desired.



Click on the Chat button to make an enquiry or book a free call to discuss today!  

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